FEDSAS is the national representative organisation for governing bodies of South African schools.
1. Composition
The Remuneration Committee (hereinafter ‘the Committee’) is an official committee of the National Council, and consists of four members, namely:one National Council representative, who shall serve as chairperson;
the Deputy Chief Executive; and
two other, non-executive members appointed by the National Council.The National Chairperson and Chief Executive shall be entitled to seats on the Committee at all times.
2. Secretariat
The National Office will provide secretarial support to the Committee.
3. Terms of reference, and delegations
The functions of the Committee are as follows:
4. Meetings
4.1 The chairperson shall convene all meetings of the Committee.
4.2 The Committee meets as required, but at least once a year.
4.3 Except in extraordinary and urgent circumstances, notices of meetings containing the time, date and venue as well as agenda items of the meeting shall be provided to all members of the Committee at least four (4) days prior to meetings.
4.4 Any two non-executive members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for Committee meetings.
5. Procedure
5.1 The procedure for Committee proceedings shall be determined by the Committee itself, and shall otherwise be in accordance with the FEDSAS constitution and normal meeting procedures.
5.2 The Committee secretary shall minute all Committee proceedings. With the approval of the Committee chairperson, any National Council member shall be entitled to a copy of such minutes.
5.3 All minutes of the Committee shall be submitted to the National Council.
6. General
6.1 In performing its functions in terms of this charter, the Committee shall be entitled to obtain such professional or other external advice as it may deem necessary.
6.2 The National Council shall see to it that the Committee has access to professional advice from both inside and outside FEDSAS in order to enable the Committee to perform its functions.
6.3 The National Council may, at its discretion, amend this charter from time to time.