FEDSAS is the national representative organisation for governing bodies of South African schools.
1. Composition
The Executive Committee (the Committee) shall be an official committee of the National Council and shall consist of:
2. Secretariat
Secretarial services for the Committee shall be provided by the national office.
3. Terms of reference and delegations
The functions of the Committee shall be the following:
4. Meetings
Meetings of the Committee shall be called by the CEO.
The Committee meets as and when required but at least once per annum.
Notice of meetings in which the time, date and place and agenda items are determined shall, unless exceptional and urgent circumstances exist, be given not less than four (4) days prior to the meeting
5. Procedure
Die procedure for meetings of the Committee shall be determined by the Committee but shall otherwise be in accordance with the Constitution of FEDSAS and ordinary meeting procedures.
The secretary of the Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Committee. Any member of the National Council shall, with the permission of the chairman of the Committee be entitled to a copy of the minutes of meetings of the Committee.
All minutes of the Committee shall be submitted to the National Council.
6. General
The Committee shall, in the execution of its functions in terms of this Charter, be entitled to obtain such outside or other professional advice, as it consider necessary to execute its functions.
The National Council will ensure that the Committee has access to professional advice both inside and outside FEDSAS in order for it to perform its functions.
This Charter may form time to time be amended by the National Council as it deems fit.