Woeker Network

Woeker Network helps schools hit goals with a splash!
Need goodies, gear, or funds? Dive in and make a big impact!


28/10/2024 - Fedsas

At Woeker Network, we’re all about helping schools hit their goals with a splash! Whether you need new classroom goodies, sports gear, or funds for epic school events, we’ve got a treasure trove of fundraising ideas and tools just for you.

Jump into community campaigns or get creative online - there’s fun for everyone! Let’s team up and make a huge impact on your school’s future!

sim4schools is brought to you by the FEDSAS Centre's to assist schools with fundraising and present cheaper data and airtime for users.

It is offered by megsApp which runs on the MTN network.  It is similar to a loyalty shopping card offering schools an ongoing revenue on the purchases of users.

Click here for more information. 

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