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The opportunity for good schools to become great schools
Upgrade your School Governing Body’s knowledge with our essential book bundle - the...
sim4schools is brought to you by the FEDSAS Centres to assist schools with fundraising and...
The FEDSAS Centre for Technology is establishing a community of difference-makers to support,...
The management of a school, in all its facets, is an enormous task, and when things go wrong...
Building a better school is about finding and assessing alternatives to the status quo....
A practical guide to effective meetings and decision-making. Order yours now by contacting the...
An introduction to boardroom dynamics. Place your order here.
A practical guide to legislative compliance. Order the book directly from Juta
FEDSAS and Juta have updated the popular pocket-sized series of legislation on school...
School Governance - Common issues and how to deal with them is a clear and comprehensive...
The guide offers a brief overview of key aspects of governance and provides a point of...
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