
Parents’ vote for SGB also vote for future of education, says FEDSAS

05/03/2024 - Fedsas

Except for Gauteng, all provinces have finally published new election regulations for the school governing body elections. This means that most of the guidelines developed by a national task team can be implemented as provincial regulations. It is only the Western Cape that deviated completely with a more complex set of regulations.           

School governing body elections take place every three years and kicked off country-wide last Friday (1 March 2024). Schools have until 31 March this year to finalise the elections. More than 250 000 SGB members must be elected at the country’s 22 511 public schools.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

“Some schools have already completed their election, while the nomination process at other schools is still open. Parents who are passionate about education, have relevant expertise and who have their community’s best interests at heart are encouraged to avail themselves as candidates,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, CEO of FEDSAS (the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools). 

A quorum of 15% of parents who are eligible to vote at a school is necessary of an election to be valid. The exception is the Western Cape, where there is no quorum requirement. “FEDSAS is calling on all parents to take part in their school’s election. Parents are not just voting for the new leadership of the school but also for the future of education in our country. With the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill that could be on the law books soon, strong school governing bodies are required to see to it that quality education at public schools can continue with minimal interference by the State.”           

Deacon says FEDSAS’s training programmes at member schools will also start soon. “It is important that newly elected SGB members are aware of what should happen after the election. For instance, a transfer meeting should take place as soon as possible. At this meeting, the former SGB informs the new SGB of work completed and matters that require attention. SGB positions for the new term must also be elected at this meeting.”       

Except for substantial resources, FEDSAS also has an extensive training programme ready to equip new SGBs to make informed decisions within a framework of good school governance from the start. Nearly 200 provincial sessions will be presented, with the first training session taking place on 12 March for schools that held elections early. Several online induction sessions are also available. “The impact of a well-trained and well-equipped SGB on a school and eventually our children’s future cannot be overstated,” says Deacon.     

For more information on the SGB elections as well as FEDSAS’s training programmes and other resources, visit       

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