
FEDSAS launches first free sessions for new school governing bodies this week

15/03/2021 - Fedsas

With school governing body elections at many schools taking place, or already concluded, the focus now shifts to the induction and training of newly elected members. The three-yearly school governing body elections end on 31 April 2021.


“It is very important for a school’s new governing body to find its feet quickly. Especially given the uncertainties that still surround the pandemic, continuation of school governance with minimum disruption is crucial,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, Deputy CEO of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS).


FEDSAS’ core focus is equipping school governing bodies to ensure sustainable quality education at schools. For this reason, FEDSAS’ first free induction session takes place on Monday, 15 March 2021. “The session is presented online but it would be ideal for all the members of a governing body to attend it in the same venue, with the necessary Covid protocols in place,” says Deacon.


The free online induction is repeated four times until end of April. “The sessions provide new members with a first introduction to school governance. It focuses among others on the legal framework of school governance and the role of the parties and how successful schools function.”

The Afrikaans session takes place on 15 March 2021 at 17:00 and SGB members can use the following link to register:

The English session takes place on 15 March 2021 at 18:00 and SGB members can use the following link to register:

The sessions are repeated on 23 March, 13 April and 4 May. More information about the sessions, registration links and the full FEDSAS training programme are available at the following link:

The full programme is presented over the course of several months and consists of several training sessions, webinars, e-learning programmes and other content. The training of new governing bodies focuses on best practice and legal interpretations as well as information on specific education issues and topics. 

Keep an eye on FEDSAS’ social media for more information or use the following hash tags to search or share information:

#SGBelections2021 | #SBLverkiesings2021

#Schools | #Skole

#LoveMySchool | #LiefVirMySkool


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