
Make sure of details of application procedure, urges FEDSAS of applications for Gauteng schools

13/04/2018 - Fedsas

Applications for 2019 for Grade 1 and Grade 8 in schools in Gauteng open on Monday (16 April 2018) and may only be done online. It is therefore important that parents apply as soon as possible and that they understand the online platform. An application is only valid once all the required documents have been handed in at all schools indicated on the application. This has to happen within seven days of the online application. Applications close on 28 May 2018.
“A serious flaw with the online application platform is that the Department deliberately did not provide for the selection of a language of education. This is educationally irresponsible and will create expectations that cannot be met. Gauteng has a big shortage of schools. Parents who wait too long before applying must be aware what their children will probably not be able to attend their first-choice school,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, Deputy CEO of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS).
Deacon says the registration process is putting the cart before the horse and parents are therefore advised to apply early and to follow the correct procedure. “It is critically important to hand in the necessary documents at all the schools listed on the application otherwise the application will be invalid.”
The Gauteng Education Department has indicated that the online platform has been adapted since last year to simplify the process. The web address for online applications is Parents who want to “practise” first can visit    
Deacon says parents can apply for a maximum of five schools. “Placement is done at the hand of the time of the application. The earlier you apply, the better your chances of getting a place at your school of choice.”

“The lack of schools and the nature of the management of education in Gauteng cause problems every year. FEDSAS’ message is simple and clear: If you want to enrol your child in a good school do so immediately!”

FEDSAS has created a special link on the organisation’s website with guidelines and a video for parents as well as a quick link to the registration platform. Visit

* See also a ten-point plan to assist parents with the application procedure loaded under Documents - Useful Information - Other Information - Gauteng Application Procedure.

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