
Huge pressure on Gauteng Education’s e-platform on first day of school applications; FEDSAS continues to monitor process

21/05/2019 - Fedsas

Gauteng parents used their fingers on the keyboard today to show just how important their children’s education is. The Gauteng Education Department’s e-platform for school applications went live today (Monday, 20 May 2019) and some 195 00 applications were received within the first hour.
“The first day was not without hiccups. The enormous number of applications, twice as many compared to the same time last year, will however place any system under pressure. At one stage the maximum number of interactions per minute exceeded 92 000,” says Mr Paul Colditz, CEO of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS). FEDSAS brought initial fundamental issues with the system to the attention of the Department, which resulted in the application process being postponed with a week and only becoming operational on 20 May 2019.
Colditz says FEDSAS continues to monitor the process and remains in contact with the Department. “The Department informed FEDSAS earlier today of problems with the home address option. However, we can assure parents and schools that the system allows for the verification of applications through documents that were submitted at the school within seven days of registration and which will then place the application in the correct application category.”
FEDSAS reminds parents that they still have to submit their documents at the schools and that they should also report any challenges they experienced. “Applications remain open until 22 July. Waiting lists can only be compiled after this date. Parents are also reminded that there is an appeals procedure to challenge the result of an application,” says Colditz.
Parents can report problems directly on the platform or via email to the Department at
Colditz says the large number of applications is a strong indication of the pressure on good schools for access to quality education. “Quality education in all public schools remains FEDSAS’ priority. Access to quality education means that time and resources could be spent on education instead of processes. This will set off a positive chain reaction that will benefit the entire South African education system.”

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