
Historical FEDSAS learner summit paves way for school governance training for learners

03/03/2016 - Fedsas

An investment in the future. This is how the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools’ (FEDSAS) first learner summit can be described. This learner summit took place in Cape Town recently and was attended by 98 learners from 41 schools in the Western Cape. The learners are all members of school governing bodies.
“The summit was a huge success and we’ve already decided to make it an annual event,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, Deputy CEO of FEDSAS. Deacon says the learners represented schools from impoverished communities as well as urban and rural schools.
The aim of the summit was to prepare learners for their role and function as members of governing bodies, but also in a broader context for the leadership role that they play in their schools. “According to feedback from the learners the summit definitely succeeded in achieving this goal,” says Deacon.
One of the learners of Lentegeur Secondary School in Mitchell’s Plain was so inspired by the summit that she decided to get a part-time job in order to realise her dream of going to university.
The presenter was the leadership expert Manie Botha, who brought out the best in the learners through his interactive presentation.
Other speakers included the author and radio personality Heindrich Wyngaardt, Cheryl Allen of the Western Cape Education Department, and Paul Colditz, CEO of FEDSAS. Singer Nadine Blom entertained the learners.
The summit was sponsored by the City of Cape Town, which has already indicated that the sponsorship will continue next year.
“To invest in the future of learners in this manner is not only to the advantage of the individuals who attended the summit. It is also an investment in the future of education in South Africa as these learners receive exposure to and will have experience of school governance from an early age,” says Deacon. FEDSAS is already investigating the possibility of expanding the training to other provinces.

PHOTO:  From left to right are Cheryl Allen (Western Cape Education Department), Henry Botha (FEDSAS), Santie van Tonder (FEDSAS), Manie Botha (speaker), Heindrich Wyngaardt (speaker), Johan van der Merwe (City of Cape Town), Nadine Blom (entertainment artist), Paul Colditz (CEO: FEDSAS) and Danie van Wyk (FEDSAS).

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