
FEDSAS to meet with Gauteng Education Department tomorrow to discuss issues with placement of learners

16/09/2019 - Fedsas

Schools that are experiencing problems with the electronic application platform of the Gauteng Education Department should contact the Gauteng office of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS) urgently.
“FEDSAS will meet with officials from the Department tomorrow (17 September 2019) to discuss issues with placements. FEDSAS members and schools that are not yet members of the organisation should bring issues with and problems relating to applications and placements to the attention of the organisation as soon as possible,” says Mr. Paul Colditz, CEO of FEDSAS.
The Gauteng Education Department’s e-platform was launched earlier this year as the only way in which parents could apply for placements in schools for next year. FEDSAS was involved in the process throughout by means of testing the system and by bringing system problems to the attention of the Department. Initially the Department was to inform parents and schools about placement results at the end of August but this was postponed until 18 September 2019.
“It is our experience that officials from the Department are willing to address issues. That is why it is so important that our members bring problems to our attention so that these can be addressed properly,” says Colditz. He says FEDSAS is grateful for the Department’s cooperation. “The direct cooperation between FEDSAS and the Department meant that the process of online applications could be managed in a consultative manner in order for issues to be resolved quickly.”
Colditz says cooperation between role-players is the best approach to education management. “It is our hope that this will lay the groundwork for long-term cooperation between FEDSAS and the Department in order to ensure quality education.”
*Schools that are experiencing issues surrounding the placement of learners in schools in Gauteng may contact Mr. Riaan van der Bergh, FEDSAS’ deputy provincial manager in Gauteng, at 082 490 5790.

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