
FEDSAS reacts to court judgement on rewriting of two matric papers

11/12/2020 - Fedsas

All eyes will now be on the examination authority Umalusi that has to certify the results of this year’s matric examination as credible by the end of February next year. This follows judgement by Judge Norman Davis in the Gauteng High Court today that a decision to rewrite two exam papers is to be set aside. The Minister of Basic Education announced earlier that two papers have to be rewritten following a leak of the original papers.

“We believe the judgement will bring great relief to matric learners and parents who had to wait until the last moment for clarity. From the start, FEDSAS had compassion with the thousands of learners who took part in the original examinations in an honest manner,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, Deputy CEO of FEDSAS (the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools).

Deacon says FEDSAS’ priority is to make quality education accessible to all learners. “This starts on the first day of a learner’s school career and ends on the day that learner leaves the school system with a National Senior Certificate. For the South African society, whether tertiary institutions or potential employers, to value this matric certificate it is of course important that the process be above reproach.”

Deacon says FEDSAS will study the judgement to ensure that the integrity of the exam and the value of the National Senior Certificate remain intact. While FEDSAS acknowledges the rule of law, it is important to remember that public perception is not necessarily swayed by court judgements.
'“We also support Judge Davis’ opinion that education is the door to our children’s future. This door should be guarded by gatekeepers that have the best interests of learners at heart. FEDSAS will continue to provide guidance and support to ensure that quality education is promoted.”

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