
‘Policy framework based on cooperation,’ Ndlebe of Department of Basic Education tells FEDSAS AGM

20/11/2017 - Fedsas

School policy of any kind should contribute towards creating an environment where people feel that they belong and that they are accepted and valued. In such an environment people are able to realise their full potential and they are able to contribute towards the wellbeing and promotion of the school environment.
This was the message of Mr James Ndlebe, Director of Education Management and Governance Development at the Department of Basic Education. He was the keynote speaker at the annual general meeting of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS) that took place in Bloemfontein on Saturday, 18 November 2017.

The focus of Ndlebe’s speech was the role of policy in the education environment. “The goal of the Department of Basic Education is to equip learners with the competencies required to achieve success in the 21st century. These competencies form a framework on knowledge and skills that must be underpinned by values,” says Ndlebe. Die aim of these competencies are to enable children to make more responsible decisions, to develop care for others, to establish positive relationships and to handle challenging situations effectively.
“The entire policy framework, from the Constitution to each school’s own vision and mission statement, must have the same overarching aim. And this vision, mission and values must be communicated to all roleplayers in that school community. This is the only way to ensure that our school system delivers learners with a good sense of self, a sound moral compass and the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle the challenges of the future.”

This view of policy, and especially the duty of cooperation it places on education roleplayers, is shared by FEDSAS and its members. “When good policy is developed and those who have to implement it are properly trained, it will be possible for every public school to achieve success,” says Mr Paul Colditz, CEO of FEDSAS. “However, one of the crucial aspects of this approach to policy is political will. It is very difficult for the governing body of a public school to apply school governance successfully when it has to take place in an environment where policy was not developed with the best interests of the child in mind.”
Colditz says the proposed Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill is an example of political interference that goes against everything that the Constitution and the South African Schools’ Act stand for. “How can a school deliver learners with 21st century competencies when the government tries to limit the involvement of education roleplayers to the minimum?”
Colditz says FEDSAS has a good relationship with the Department of Basic Education and has made valuable contributions to the education policy environment over the years. “The organisation will continue to ensure that the South African education system develops in such a way that quality education in all public schools becomes a reality.”
PHOTO: Mr James Ndlebe, Director of School Management and Governance Development at the Department of Basic Education. Ndlebe was the keynote speaker at the annual general meeting of FEDSAS that took place in Bloemfontein on Saturday, 18 November 2017.

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