‘Now is the time for Basic Education to show what it is capable of,’ says FEDSAS about matric exams
20/10/2016 - Fedsas
It has been a while since the education sector in South Africa faced so many crises. In light of the protests for free higher education it is easy to forget all the challenges that role-players in Basic Education have to overcome to ensure quality education for all children in South Africa.
In the midst of all these challenges thousands of matriculants are about to tacke their matric exams. “In times of change and uncertainty it is more important than ever to strengthen every link in the education chain,” says Dr Jaco Deacon, Deputy CEO of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (FEDSAS).
FEDSAS’ wish for the matric exams is a constructive environment in which matrics will receive the support necessary to shine. “It is the duty of all education role-players to make it possible for matrics to be successful. From teachers tasked with preparing learners to offficals who have to manage the process to parents, guardians and the broader community.”
Deacon says for thousands of matrics a matric certificate provides the opportunity to rise above often challenging socio-economic circumstances. “If the changes in higher education are taken into account, proper, dependable matric results are even more important. It is really in the best interests of the country that the matric exams are management in a professional, transparent and accountable manner so that the process is beyond reproach.”
FEDSAS wishes everyone involved in the matric exams the best of luck. “The matric exams are like the Olympic Games of Basic Education – this is where we have to provide evidence of all the hard work of previous years. FEDSAS remains committed to making this important event successful.”